Tuesday, February 17, 2009

preparing for verizon

Saturday night was shit like every other night. Cut my leg because I'm too stupid to even get gmail to work. I screw everything up. Wish I could just cease to exist.

Slept all day Sunday. It's now sunday night and working on list. Tomorrow I need to go buy a phone. I need to finish cleaning tonight and tomorrow.

Sunday night I took a shower and worked on list.

Slept most of the day monday and then went to walmart to buy a cordless phone. Also bought some 100 calorie brownies and cinamon streussal coffee cakes. Also bought a thing of whoppers to give my mom.

It's now tuesday morning and I am working on a list as usual. Nothing really exciting happening. Getting a little done but very slowly. Need to get the area around the bedroom tv cleared as a priority.

Now playing: Savage Garden - The Animal Song remix
via FoxyTunes



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