Saturday, November 24, 2007

Lonely night

Poor Dawggy is sick. I miss him and pray he feels better tomorrow. I hate when people I care about are sick. I don't want people to hurt or feel bad. My nose is running. I'm hurting all over. I have a headache. My ear hurts. I slept most of the day. I've been cold all day except for a short period of time after I ate. I had ramen for dinner. I had peanut butter and honey this afternoon. I had a raspberry sorbet bar (healty choice brand) for dessert. I also had some life cereal. I took my night meds a few minutes ago along with an ibuprofen.

I finished the chapter of Stand Like Mountain, Flow Like Water (a self-help/spirituality book used as one of 4 textbooks for psychology of religion). Now I have a blank spot on my list. I'll have to go look at old lists and see what I can stick in that spot.

/me misses Big Daddy.



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