Friday, October 9, 2009

Day 3 (with a link to a shapesoap giveaway!)

I had a hard time getting up this morning and fell back asleep after mom's call and didn't get up til a second phone call made me realize it was like a quarter til seven already. Grandma was in a bad mood when I got over there. The twins were being a pain. I went home after that. Grandma told me not to come back and get Dillon that he was still asleep and could walk to school. I was in a bad mood and so was she so I went home instead of having to deal with any of them anymore than necessary. My landlord called a while after I was home to see if i was home so that her husband could come look at my heater like she said he would when i talked to her last night. He came over with another guy and determined that there is nothing wrong with my heater it was just too hot for the thermostat to work since it has to be under 90 degrees for it to work.

I napped most of the afternoon and finally got up this evening and played on facebook and added sweeps and finally started entering sweeps again and then ate a budget gourmet tv dinner.

I just entered a sweep for Shapesoap over at Leslie Loves Veggies blog. I'd love to win some of those natural soaps. I also tweeted about this contest. Everyone should check out Leslie's blog and all the cool stuff on there.



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