Well, I suppose the easiest and best way to explain this is just to take the list I'm working with and use that as an example.
In general I start off with 1, 3, or 5 things. For this list I started with just one item on it.
Now in this particular case, "Music" is me organizing my mp3's and making a list of them in an excel spreadsheet. I am making sure they are all saved with appropriate names, have correct title, artist, and other info. And that all of this is in a spreadsheet. I am deleting duplicate songs, and anything I decide I do not like, or is very bad quality.
Now this is done usually until I get bored or frustrated (which is not very long).
At that point a second item is added to the list:
So at this point I would work a bit more with the music. Then I would move on to the next item, which in this case is using notes from my Library Technology class to write nodes for e2.
Once grew frustrated or bored doing that I would add a third item. On the current list, this third item is Clothes. In other words, laundry.
So I do each item on the list until I'm bored, frustrated, or accomplished something. Then I move on to the next. Adding a new item each time. And adjusting the list as I go, when things no longer need to be on the list or others become more importatn.
My list now, after many hours, looks likes this today:
- Music
- LT nodes
- Clothes
- E2Vote/Search
- Floor
- Emily Post
- Me
- Psych nodes
- Gmail
- TheDeadGuy
- Shelves
- Raynaud’s Disease
- Blogger
- Computer terms nodes
- The Reference Interview
This particular list has a E2, not e2 pattern. A common pattern was usually, (before the semester ended):
- School
- E2
- Other
Tho sometimes the pattern is not followed strictly, it is attempted.
Well, I hope that explains it. Now, I am off to e2 to look up some computer terms.
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