Saturday, May 22, 2004

Now It's getting dark...

I slept most of the day. And my ISP cut out again. I talked to Sam, then called Adelphia. Of course they had me reboot. Unplug the modem. Clear history/cookies/temporary files. Then he didnt know what else to do so he transferred me to another operator. This operator had me do Release and renew the IP address. Reset Internet Explorer. Checked to see the firewall was off. Uninstalled and reinstalled NIC. Reset TCP IP stack.

I get an error when the computer turns on. This error made the Adelphia guy say "Call your computer manufacturer. It's deep in your system."

Windows cannot find "kxvkvpwk.exe." Make sure you typed the name correctly, and then try again. To search for a file, click the start button, and then click search.

Yeah, more random smilies I guess.

okies thats all for now....attention span gone



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