Thursday, January 6, 2011

January 6

Been another unproductive day.  It was almost dark when I finally got up.  I ate a budge gourmet tv dinner a few minutes ago.  Hope to get myself moving and get stuff accomplished now that I've eaten dinner.  I finished the book I was reading this morning before I went to sleep around 8:30 or 9am.  This is the second book I've completed in 2011.  Both were begun in 2010 but I'm going to just count the books I FINISH is 2011 no matter when I started them.  So the books I've finished in 2011 so far are:

I have one more book out from the library.  I am about halfway through the book "Mouse Tales: A Behind-the-Ears Look at Disneyland" by David Koenig.



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