Saturday, May 20, 2006

Slipping into eternity

Nothing interesting happened today. I picked up Kylee and Dillon from school. I went to the gym. I cut. I got bawled out by grandma. Same shit, different day.

So why am I bothering to blog? I honestly don't know. I have nothing profound to say. I have nothing important to tell anyone. I have no purpose in life. I am a lucky sumbitch. I have friends who care. I have friends who love me.

Tommorrow I will most likely be spending the day at Disneyland Resort with two of my friends and my little brother. I kinda wish my brother wasn't going but I feel bad about leaving him home. Kylee don't want to go.

Aren't they adorable? I wish Hannah wasn't so mean to me. She hardly ever loves on me. She likes to kick, hit, and bite me for no particular reason. This picture was taken today at Babies R Us.



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