Friday, July 2, 2004

"I`m just a Curbside Prophet..."

Grandma is up, but so far she has stayed in there, away from me.

I hope Harmony wakes up soon. I'm pretty sure she is usually up and online by now but then she also took some really nice pain pills before going to bed. I know how it is to have your knees hurt. My own knees hurt quite often. I hope hers get to feeling better soon.

Loneliness. But I deserve to be lonely. I hate these feelings. I hate what some of the inside people say. I hate being confused.

I'm still following the list, I've tweaked it a bit as I go along. I guess I'm being pretty productive this morning.

If grandma would go to bed and sleep today away things would be easier. Instead of going to Target with her I could go to the bank and the grocery store. Either trip will exhaust me. I can't do both.



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