Thou who drink thine own blood be true
By Bluebird
With the shiny blade
She slits her skin
And watches the blood,
[blood|Crimson tears] drip so softly
She wipes one tear from her skin
On her pinky now, [blood|one red tear]
Into her mouth, her tiny finger
The crimson sky she sees
For one brief moment
She can [taste] her pain
And the thought returns:
Thou who drink thine own [blood] be true
...And now the desire is even stronger. A lot stronger. [Cbustapeck|Christopher] was there for me when I needed someone to talk to and I thank him. He's a good friend. There are a lot of good people on [E2]. Now I have to get dressed and go down to the [Social Security] office because I got things all screwy with them but I think it's all straightened but I have to go down there and make sure and I'm just not in the mood to leave the house. I have no choice though. My mother makes all my decisions.
I have a sore throat today and am a bit tired. I was happy this morning but now I'm feeling depressed again. [Depression] is a way of life, I just have to remember that.
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